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Innovative Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

Our Mission's and Objectives

Becoming a leading sector in the integration of agricultural and livestock technology, creating efficient and sustainable processes, and generating added value for society and the environment

Our Product

Produk 1

Our corn is harvested from select agricultural lands managed with best practices. We produce high-quality corn that is ideal for use as animal feed, industrial raw materials, or other food needs. We ensure that our corn meets the highest quality standards, delivering maximum value to our partners and customers.

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Produk 2
Fine corn

Our ground corn is processed using modern methods to achieve the texture and quality needed for poultry feed and other industrial uses. With precise milling levels, this product is designed to provide optimal nutrition for livestock while supporting production efficiency for companies requiring milled corn as a raw material.

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Produk 3

Our eggs come from poultry farms that implement advanced technology and good management practices. We are committed to providing fresh, high-quality eggs that not only meet health standards but also offer high nutritional value to consumers. Each egg we offer is processed under strict hygiene standards to ensure its freshness and quality.

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Produk 4

The technology we develop is specifically designed for the agricultural and livestock sectors, aiming to improve production efficiency and sustainability. Our technology solutions include tools and software that facilitate land management, animal condition monitoring, and resource optimization. We believe that through technological innovation, we can help farmers and livestock producers achieve better results in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way.

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our partners' stories

Highlight News and Blog

Gambar Berita 1
Mengoptimalkan Pertumbuhan Broiler dengan Deep Learning

Kami mengimplementasikan teknologi deep learning untuk memantau dan mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan broiler. Dengan analisis data yang canggih, kami dapat memprediksi kebutuhan nutrisi dan lingkungan ideal untuk ayam, sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan kesejahteraan hewan.

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Gambar Berita 2
Keberhasilan Panen Jagung dengan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan

Kami baru saja menyelesaikan panen jagung yang sukses dengan penerapan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Artikel ini membahas prosesnya dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap hasil dan kualitas produk.

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Gambar Berita 3
Kolaborasi dengan Universitas: Riset Bersama untuk Pakan Ternak Unggas yang Lebih Baik

Temukan bagaimana kolaborasi kami dengan universitas lokal telah menghasilkan penelitian penting yang berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas pakan ternak unggas.

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Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mendapatkan penawaran khusus

Temukan bagaimana produk kami dapat membantu Anda mencapai hasil terbaik dalam pertanian dan peternakan.

Ingin mendiskusikan bagaimana kami dapat bekerja sama? Jadwalkan pertemuan dengan tim kami untuk konsultasi dan penawaran yang disesuaikan.

Hubungi Kami